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Debbie Doo

Debbie Doo is now on Spotify!

Debbie Doo is now on Spotify!

This is in no way a paid post. Hi everyone, welcome or welcome back. This is just a super short post to let you know that I am indeed on Spotify and I’m loving it. Spotify is such a great platform to enjoy music of all kinds, whether you wanna work out, meditate or have

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Wind the Bobbin Up Nursery Rhyme with Actions🧵

Wind the Bobbin Up Nursery Rhyme with Actions🧵

Big hello everyone and welcome to Song Spotlight. This is a weekly spotlight on original and traditional songs that encourage important movements and pre language and language skills in the formative years. 👶 Wind the Bobbin Up is an English language children’s nursery rhyme and singing game. Originating in England, it is a super old rhyme that

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