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Debbie Doo
New York Times Best Selling Author Adam Wallace on why reading just can’t be beat! Debbie Doo

Approx 2 min read if your not up to question number 334 by your inquisitive toddler. If not, then read on! 😍

I was lucky enough to meet Adam Wallace some years back through a mutual friend. She believed we would have a lot in common as we both have a serious love for the written word and let me tell you I think our friend was just a little bit right! So, without any further ado, I introduce to you Adam Wallace. New York Times Best Selling author and genuinely wonderful human being. Take it away Adam!

 How Reading Changes You – By Adam Wallace

When I was growing up, creativity was a constant in my life. My step-dad was a teacher-librarian and storyteller, my dad wrote funny stories and cards and tap-danced, one grandmother was a writer and pianist, the other an actor and pianist, my sister was a straight A student and dancer, and my mum was a ballet teacher!
My parents split when I was three, and I lived with my mum and step-dad 
 books everywhere! Teacher-librarian, remember?
At my dad’s, the room I stayed in had walls covered with bookshelves, and my step- brother was a compulsive collector of comics – The Incredible Hulk, The Phantom, and, to my mum’s disgust, the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
So I read. I read and I wrote and we told stories and then, when I hit high school 
 the books dried up. My step-dad had left, there weren’t a lot of books around for teenage boys, and the books we had to read at school bored me to tears.
And still I read. I read sports stats books, and I read my step-brother’s comics, and I read 

The thing about reading, and why it’s so important for kids to read more, is that it exercises our brains. It makes us do the work, but more than that, it helps us play. Videos and movies and games are all fantastic, and believe me, I watched and played a lot of them, but reading is different.

In reading we’re forced to fill in the gaps, to use and develop our imagination.

That’s what’s so wonderful about books! In a movie, you’re given (mostly)
everything. Your brain doesn’t have to create. So everyone sees (mostly) the same movie 
 this doesn’t mean they will all like it, as people will still have their own experience of the movie, but

In a book, even a picture book, the gaps between the words and pictures are there so children exercise their imaginations, work their
brains, deepen their curiosity.
And curiosity is key.

Everything about Adam is a reflection of his genuine love and enthusiam for his craft, a true magician that helps children discover the magic that lives inside books.

Reading builds curiosity. Excitement to find out more, to build worlds in their minds, to escape into a future and a place where they have some level of control, as opposed to living in a world where they are constantly controlled.
Reading also gives children, especially in a novel, a chance to own the result, a chance to say this is what they look like, this is how I see them and the world. And then, even when they all have different ideas, the beauty is they’re all absolutely right.

Because it’s their truth, and in finding their truths, in finding the paths their imagination and curiosity leads them down, they start to find themselves.
And that’s when they can soar.

Discover Adam’s Amazing and Wonderful and Brilliant and… Well you get the picture books (there’s those puns again) here. adam-wallace-books.com and thekbcc.com

Thanks Adam, for your contribution to the world of children’s literacy. You’re an asset to young minds!

Please note this is not a sponsored post…

Thanks for stopping by everybody and meeting my friend Adam Wallace. I have included my brand new video The Ants Go Marching In, set to a marching beat for kids to follow along. Reader beware: There are some Cheeky Ants doing some 90’s dance moves in the video cause… why not?😂Debbie Doo ⭐

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