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Debbie Doo
7 Random Facts About Me Debbie Doo

Okay, this is a requested blog from a fan wanting to know a little bit more about me and if I play all the characters in my videos. The answer is yes and they are loosly based on my own family💟 Hope that answers your question.😊

Here goes! 7 random facts about me. I would love to know some random facts about you too, so leave a comment. I read them all.❤

These random facts are open and honest. I believe in community learning and growing through shared experiences. So stay tuned for more random facts and happy reading.

Number 1… My children are the best thing that has ever happened to me. After years of endometriosis, ruptured cysts, followed by 2 emergency C sections and a life-threatening uterine rupture with my daughter, that missed my bladder by millimetres, I am very blessed and lucky to have them.

2. I suffered with severe PND for 18 months after the birth of my first child. I urge anyone suffering with this to seek help and not to suffer in silence. I will be writing a post on this shortly, how I overcame it, and what I discovered was the main contributing factor in my own experience of post natal depression.

3. I spent 10 years writing an environmental fantasy novel. I was offered a publishing deal, but the publisher wanted to change it to suit current trends. No, I will not put a zombie in my novel! So I am waiting for the right time to publish independently as I am a believer that the creative process needs to come from the heart and should never be compromised 📖

4. I am completely hooked on kayaking. I mainly kayak in freshwater rivers where I pick wild blackberries (when in season) and dandelions. Give me a life jacket and a paddle and I go to my happy place. 🛶

My girl Peaches loves coming to the river with me.🐾

5. I have a motto that I live by that helps me cope with stress, worry and anxiety when it arises. Live for today and plan for tomorrow. I am a present minder and I try to practice sincere gratitude on a daily basis.

6. I inhale books like air. In my down time I usually read up to two a week. Anything from fiction to fantasy to human science, phycology, self-help and development. I don’t tend to watch movie adaptations of my favourite novels as I really enjoy the process of using my own imagination to create the characters and scenes. 😏📚

7. I am a HUGE animal lover. My dream is to one day retire in a tiny house or cottage on a bit of land, growing my own fruits, vegetables and herbs with my family, friends and a menagerie of animals.

That’s it. 7 very random facts about me. Our differences are what makes life interesting and exciting and should be celebrated. I would love to know some random facts about you too.

Well, that’s it from me until tomorrow. Did I also mention that I seriously love microblogging too? No? Hmmmm, I’ll leave that for another random facts post.😀

Thanks for reading everybody and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel Debbie Doo Kids TV and stream and follow me on Spotify. I have included a popular video and play list below. Keep reading, keep learning and keep being you, and i’ll see you all again soon… Bye for now. Debbie Doo⭐


  • Sheri Eagan Posted November 24, 2020 12:29 pm

    I absolutely loved this. It connects us moms to you even more. I totally related to a lot of these. After having endometriosis and I have a pituitary hormonal tumor thought I would never get to be a mommy. But after a whole lot of prayer God gave me my sweet Ella Grace at 42 yrs. old. Best thing to ever happen to me. We love you Debbie Doo.

    • ddadmin Posted November 25, 2020 11:09 am

      Hi Sheri, thanks so much for this post, it truly made my day. Yes, gratitude every day for our little miracles. ♥

  • Karena Posted November 26, 2020 4:58 pm

    So interesting and inspiring. What a blessing your children are after all that. I totally get your dream re animals. I’ve also thought about moving out of suburbia to a rural area so that I could enjoy an array of animals including mini ponies! Also I would like to read seven random facts about everyone I know.

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